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Nutrition Coaching

If you’re ready to make positive changes in your life, I’m here to help

Changing your relationship with food can be incredibly challenging. After years of struggling with unsustainable diets, I discovered a holistic approach that focuses on long-term behaviors to nourish both body and mind. Let me help you find a sustainable path to wellbeing.

Research consistently shows that our emotional health and relationships with ourselves and others play important roles in our overall wellness. For instance, positive emotional experiences and effective stress management are linked to improved physical health outcomes (Fredrickson, 2001; Boehm & Kubzansky, 2012). Strong social relationships have also been associated with lower mortality risk and better mental health (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2010; Umberson & Montez, 2010).

As a Nutrition & Wellbeing Coach, I take a different approach compared to traditional fitness coaching. Instead of drastically cutting back on food, which often leads to overeating later, I believe in finding a balanced way to eat. Research shows this helps people stick with healthy habits for the long haul (Mann et al., 2007). We’ll also work together to understand what emotional factors might be driving your eating habits, because research suggests these can have a big impact on how we eat (Macht, 2008).

Together, we’ll find ways for you to nourish yourself so that you can be happy and healthy.

I know how important it is to find the right coach who truly gets what you’re going through. The truth is, you’re not alone. While I may not have faced the exact same challenges, I approach your journey with compassion and empathy, understanding the isolation these struggles can bring.

In my coaching programme, I will guide you to:

  • Overcome guilt around eating
  • Break all-or-nothing thinking
  • Accept and appreciate your body
  • Understand and manage your eating triggers
  • Boost confidence and attractiveness
  • Develop strategies for emotional eating
  • Silence your inner critic and build self-esteem
  • Overcome binge-eating challenges
  • Trust your body’s signals for hunger and fullness

With over a decade of research and practical experience, I’m here to save you time in your already busy schedule.

Together, we’ll find what works for you and develop a healthier relationship with food so you can look back and be proud of how far you’ve come. 

Change is never easy, but having a coach by your side can make it more manageable

£29.99  £24.99
(per session)

 Unconditional Positive Regard
Personalised Nutritional Advice
  Body Neutrality
 Custom Action Plan 
Weekly Video Call Check-Ins
Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles
Flexible Membership

Price will increase to £29.99 per session on
DECEMBER 31, 2024