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Simona has helped me see that you shouldn’t feel guilty for eating the foods you enjoy.

Simona is one of the kindest and most loyal people I know. She’s always looking out for her friends and is a great confidante. She has helped me see that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to diet and nutrition, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for eating the foods you enjoy. She has a great deal of knowledge around nutrition and wellbeing, and anyone would be lucky to have Simona as a friend or coach.

Emily M.

Reading, England
In a time of high emotional stress, Simona was the only person I wanted to call!

Simona is wonderfully supportive and she really cares about your wellbeing as if it were her own. She is thoughtful and has always taken the time to listen to me and offer tailored and insightful support when I’ve needed it. In a time of high emotional stress, Simona was the only person I wanted to call! I’m so glad I did as she immediately made me feel at ease and talked it through with me.

Ciara M.

Reading, England
Simona helped me to become kind to myself.
She was like a lighthouse to me.

I am grateful to have Simona as a coach. When Simona started working with me, I was in a bad place. I was going through a difficult break up, had severe binge eating episodes 3-4 times a week and was not motivated to train at all.

We started slow, Simona encouraged me and often said “we take one step at the time”. We talked a lot about my emotional state, she encouraged me to look for the reasons and triggers which makes me overeat so much (I could literally eat 10.000-20.000cal. on one sitting). We tried a lot of different methods and techniques. She never pushed me though. In the beginning I was a little bit skeptical about that because I felt like I didn’t have control over my life, and I thought that I needed someone to tell me what to do in order to be better. I felt that I wasn’t strong enough and wasn’t smart enough either to make my own choices.

Simona’s coaching style matched my needs and personality perfectly. We talked a lot and often after our discussions I’d come up with my own conclusions, would get motivated to try something new and had lots of new ideas and felt inspired. That gave me a lot of self-confidence and that good feeling of control and that I’m getting my life back.

I appreciated that even if I failed, she was always optimistic and said, “Don’t worry, we will try something else and we will keep trying until we find something that fits you”. And since she was so kind and understanding I was never ashamed or afraid to speak openly, share my worries and concerns.

I want to thank Simona for helping me to put myself together, be kind to myself, eat healthier and find motivation to start to train again and be more active in general. I feel that I am much happier and that I am finally on a right path. She didn’t push me, she didn’t show me the way, but she was always like a lighthouse to me.  Our conversations helped me to become a different person and I am still changing and working on myself. I still overeat sometimes, but not at the same level as I was overeating before. And I don’t hate myself after a little binge episode, that is the most important thing Simona helped me with – to become kind to myself.

Mante S.

Tromsø, Norway
It’s extremely easy to talk to Simona about anything.

Simona is a very knowledgeable and dedicated person, putting a lot of time and effort into research and improving her skills. She is very friendly and a great listener, which makes it extremely easy to talk to her about anything.

Paulius B.

Vilnius, Lithuania
Simona is always approachable and a great listener.

Simona is honest, kind, caring and always puts the needs of others before her own. She is always approachable and helpful all the time. Simona is also a great listener as well as being trustworthy. I feel very lucky to have met her in my life.

Ross M.

Reading, England
Simona actually cares about the people she’s trying to help.

If you’re looking for friendly advice on either nutrition information or methods to help with some of life’s challenges then Simona could be just the person to help you.. I’ve known her a while and can say that she actually cares about the people she’s trying to help. Her inquisitive manor can help guide you to know what you should be eating to meet your goals but also why you may feel a certain way about your food habits & yourself. This along with her calm & friendly demeanour make her an excellent choice to help you start or carry on developing key habits for a more balanced lifestyle.

Jamie G.

Reading, England
Simona has personally helped to support me in several tough situations.

Simona and I were housemates for over a year, and I have only positive thoughts of our time together. She is extremely easy to talk to, fun to be around and caring to everyone around her. She is also inspirational in the way she seems to manage her work/life balance so well.

Simona works long hours but, is always determined to dedicate the free time she has available to working out and educating herself on the values of a healthy lifestyle. She is also extremely passionate when it comes to supporting people with mental health issues and even became a Mental Health First Aider in her office.

When she wasn’t at the gym, we often had long conversations about life, our jobs and the pressures that came with managing others. Simona always challenges herself to get the best out of her team and assists them at every opportunity she has available.

She has personally helped to support me in several tough situations I have gone through in recent years. I cannot recommend Simona highly enough to anyone who is looking for nutrition or general well-being guidance so I really hope you take this opportunity to reach out to her off the back of reading this blog!

Greg S.

Reading, England