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My Coaching Style

With over 7.6 billion people on the planet, it's obvious that there are many options for coaches and their coaching styles. We're all different and have different tastes, and that's fine! In this post, I'll discuss my coaching style as well as what I expect from my clients. My Top 5 do's I listen with empathy,…

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green vegetables

Folate and Mental Health

Of all the micronutrients, B vitamins may be the most important to the cause and progression of late-life depression. They are certainly the most studied, especially folate and vitamin B12.Both vitamins affect brain health through their roles in neurotransmitter synthesis (e.g. folate deficiency has been demonstrated to cause decreased serotonin synthesis in humans and rats), myelin…

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green vegetables

Folate vs Folic Acid

What is Folate? Folate is a water-soluble vitamin also known as vitamin B9. This vitamin is found in many foods such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, nuts, fish and beans. What is Folic Acid? Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate (basically a vitamin B9 supplement that the body converts into folate) that is added to fortified foods (e.g.…

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mixed bean stir-fry

Mixed Bean Stir-Fry

If you're tired of having meat with every meal, try this delicious mixed bean stir-fry. It's high in fiber (around 20g of fibre per serving) and high in carbs. Which is great if you need some slowly released energy to keep you going! I'd say this is a great meal to have for lunch…

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